Mustafakemalpaşa, It is a developed town in the province of Bursa.
Turkey's first in terms of both population and economy 3 Located at Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, almost exactly in the middle Mustafakemalpaşa, fourth in Bursa city center 80 km away from.
34% of the population of our country's reputation, If the economy 41% of which constitute the proximity to the four major cities Mustafakemalpaşa, is a very advantageous position in terms of transportation.
You Also, which is the busiest road in our country is on the Istanbul-Izmir highway, Kocaeli, Denizli, No city a few hours from the big production like Manisa Mustafakemalpaşa'S is extending these advantages.
Our district bears the Mediterranean climate as general.
Large agricultural land, quality soil, underground riches, Enternasyonel scale by production facilities Mustafakemalpaşa, Agriculture-Industry-Commerce synthesis is a town which successfully.
Our county population exceeding 100,000, It has a rich diversity demographically. Mustafakemalpaşa, on the one hand while taking care of a young and dynamic population of the height, On the other hand, comes one of the places most convenient and preferred for a peaceful civil servant-retirement.
Besides geographical features and beauty, air, water, Due to the ideal climate and flora Mustafakemalpaşa, paragliding, According to the enthusiasts of the hobby such as beekeeping and fishing is one of the most important centers in Turkey.
The appearance of a large increase in the volume of trade in recent years, our county, The increase in the Marmara and Aegean our district with the charm of our region and around a magnificent hybrid investments, to be more noticeable in addition to their wealth of tourist, Mustafakemalpaşa'The visitor traffic and hotel–Accommodation the need is increasing day by day.
That all these developments closely following, from well-known families in our county İşçen Family, meet the increasing demands of a modern resort accommodation and planned investments in order to provide new employment.
Prepared using the most advanced technology and sophisticated tools for infrastructure Hotel İşçen project, more construction LIABLE FOR seen great interest, short time accompanied by requests for opening service, completed a very intense effort.
Service since the day it entered Mustafakemalpaşa'Of hotel–Accommodation substantially meets the needs Hotel İşçen, guests comfortable, clean and is committed to providing a safe environment.